Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Two things come to mind today:

1) You don't see "lacrosse balls" or "indian rubber" balls anymore, remember how high they would bounce?
I was a hugh fan of those things, I also remember how much they hurt when they hit you.

2) Blowing your nose with out tissue paper (blocking one nostril with a finger and blowing snot directly on to the ground/sidewalk etc.) seems to be an exclusive activity of males. I can't remember the last time I saw a broad blow her nose this way.

Plommer, we called it a superball!

A Super Ball (aka SuperBall) is a toy based on a type of synthetic rubber invented in 1964 by chemist Norman Stingley.


Almost always have one on hand! First time I saw what you describe was at halftime of b-ball game in HS teammate while standing next to me in locker room just came right out and did that! WTF was my reaction! Pic in brain probably never leave! Kids don't carry hankies anymore so guess that's the way it's done!
Plommer, we called it a superball!

A Super Ball (aka SuperBall) is a toy based on a type of synthetic rubber invented in 1964 by chemist Norman Stingley.

Never heard of a superball Mr M., I know the ball I'm talking about is used in lacrosse games, we sometimes played street hockey with them as kids, fukk did it hurt if you were hit by a slapshot using that ball!

First time I saw what you describe was at halftime of b-ball game in HS teammate while standing next to me in locker room just came right out and did that! WTF was my reaction! Pic in brain probably never leave! Kids don't carry hankies anymore so guess that's the way it's done!


Yeah, I used to get really annoyed when someone did it in public, now as I have mellowed in age it only annoys me a little.
Yeah a superball is a different thing.

I still see lacrosse balls all the time. Lacrosse using a lacrosse ball still takes place at many levels from high school to pro, from outdoor to box lacrosse. I catch clips semi-regularly without really trying, whether it is various highlight shows or a commercial for the Toronto Rock that runs while the Blue Jays are losing or whatever.

I haven't handled one in a long time but they are still out there. That was a serious ball.

Or are you saying they use a different ball now?
I haven't handled one in a long time but they are still out there. That was a serious ball.

Or are you saying they use a different ball now?

I should have been clearer.

As kids we used tennis balls to play street hockey, baseballs/softballs for pickup games of baseball/softball, sometimes, if there were no tennis balls available (this was the 70's I'm talkin about pal - hugh shortage of tennis balls in the GTA back then) we would use a lacrosse ball. Same thing with softball.

You should see how far I could hit a lacrosse ball using an aluminum bat!


My "random thought" was basically that I don't see many lacrosse balls in my daily life anymore.

I know there was a ball I ran across once that would bounce a lot higher than youd expect it to.
Sounds like a lacrosse ball, pal.

I remember hitting golf balls and lacrosse balls with a baseball bat.
I felt like Babe fukkin Ruth!
Wut? They are caucasian. They are some of the preppiest, fresh-faced little gung-ho white folk you ever saw.

The whole affair is pretty damn white, now I think about it. Over where the route passes by Jenny's place they have bagpipes every year.

Talkin' hardcore white.
I recall that you are 5'11".

225 lbs.

I am 5'11" and I once got up around 220 and I remember at that weight, I made a girl say wow when I took my shirt off. Though it was 20+ years ago, I remember it clearly. She was watching me fold laundry and she let out an involuntary wow. Safe to say at this point, I will remember it for the rest of my life. Pretty big ego-build moment for me.

It just all depends. I was a hard working guy with quite a bit of muscle. Though I was 50 pounds heavier than I am now, no one would have thought of me as fat guy.

Of course in other cases that height and weight can translate to ---> big tub of goo.

It just all depends.