Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

On a separate note, and not to be argumentative, but I was in a local WalMart superstore not long ago - it had a full grocery section - and the food didn't look any worse than anything else. It just looked like the usual stuff at pretty good prices. The location is crappy for me but other than that, I think I could grocery shop there.
Starving kids in west va?

I do some of my everything, including grocery shopping at walmart. I prefer their chicken to Giants, but I am particularly picky about their red meat. Last time we went, there some steaks and roasts on sale that were BROWN! ew. just ew. Their fruits and stuff are just like anywhere else as well as their non perishables. I will say this though, they certainly do not have as much variety as Giant.
The one store I wish we had but don't is Wegmans. That place rocks. They have all the good chit you can't find anywhere else.
Yes, it's inbreeding, Not cross breeding, you are staying with in your own species, although at some point pending the biological closeness of said breeders, you may begin to see deformations. E.I. brother and sister create two children, those two children create two children, so and so forth, is said case you would start to see deformations. now if it is cousins anywhere after once removed, say, cousin one and cousin 2 have a child, and said child breeds with a cousin twice removed, that is actually considered ok, because their gene pools if they breed outside of their immediate family members and instead with those once, twice, thrice, removed, the gene pool is so different that there is a small chance for deformations or any other risks associated with continued immediate family inbreeding.