Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Found it! My heroin story. Just gonna copy and paste my response to a question I was asked about amazing/scary drug stuff I did.

There are so many directions I could go with that but I'm going to take the easy route and copy a story I have told before. It is my heroin story.

Like most things involving heroin use, there is no action. No car chases or explosions. It is just something a bit interesting. Maybe it qualifies as amazing.

Once upon a time I was smoking heroin and drinking beer. I don't know how much people know about heroin but it is a very lazy drug. It completely relaxes the body and drains all ambition. Basically, you veg.

After some hours and many beers, it occurred to me I hadn't peed. I'm not saying I felt a need to pee; I'm saying it occurred to me intellectually that I had drank an amount of beer that would normally have led to some peeing.

I knew exactly how much beer I had when I started so I was able to determine that I had drank 12 beers without peeing.

Even in my compromised state, I was sure this wasn't proper. So I went to the bathroom. I still didn't feel the need to pee. But I forced myself to. 12 beers? Better pee.

I guess it was the next day when I was sitting around feeling the remorse that addicts live with so much, that I thought back on that little episode. 12 beers without peeing. It seemed like a lot. I took an empty beer bottle and filled it with water and dumped it in a bucket. I did it 12 times. I just wanted to see what it looked it. It was a lot.

And looking at it, though I was alone, I said something out loud. I said, "I turned my body into a toilet."

So true. I reflected on how, if I had died (perhaps in a spectacular pee explosion that would make this story so much more electrifying) it would have been a completely appropriate thing to put on my tombstone:


And, well, that's it. There are scarier and grosser stories I could tell. The whole series of incidents surrounding my OD's/ambulance-rides-to-emergency/stays-in-the-psych-ward, I could write a book about.

But anyway that's my little heroin story.
Final verdict: Not really a fan.

Been feeling that familiar queasy/nausea feeling I recall from vicodin/norco/percocet.

Don't really see how intravenous use would be so much better in that regard. But I could be wrong.

Bring on the blow and designer drugs! :matty: