I am in an ongoing state of evaluating my brain performance through my results in a dopey Facebook game. It is a game of mental acuity combined with hand-eye coordination. I play it all through the day every day. Have been for months. I have created a scoring system whereby I can track ups and downs in my scoring, long term patterns.
It has been a pattern of continuous improvement for the most part. That is to be expected; you play something a lot, you get better. It has gone further than I would have expected. I figured I would have peaked and leveled off by now but not yet. Still showing notable upticks in results.
Anyway, whatever, within that pattern, here is what have I learned about myself:
1) I am definitely not as sharp the first game of the day. That is completely unsurprising to me. What is surprising is how quickly I snap into shape after that. I would have guessed I would drag my ass all through the a.m. - but not the case.
2) There is a marked drop in sharpness after dinner which continues on a downward trend until bed time. I did not realize how retarded I actually become in the evening. The difference in my play is very striking.
3) I appear to experience a biorhythm. I have not been tracking it long enough to determine a specific pattern but it seems like every ~24 days, I go through 2-3 days of shocking retardation. I play so much worse. To quantify, if my average score is 15, I average more like 11 on those days. No matter how hard I try to snap out of it, I fail and I am doomed to suck. I know it will end - and it does - but it is really weird to me.
I am currently in such a period of extended retardation.
That is all.