Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Doin' It Wrong, Vol. 7


That ain't just doin' it wrong. That is doin' like 3 things wrong. This could be Vol. 7, 8 and 9 all in one.

What is that dog thinking?

Yeah I think the basic anti-hankie argument was like, "You are putting SNOT. BACK IN YOUR POCKET."

And my thinking would be, "Sure but you're making that sound much worse than it really is because (a) I use the inside of the hankie and fold it in a way that snot is getting on anything and (b) even if some snot residue happened to touch my inner pocket, how egregious is that really? It's my inner pocket. And we're talking about snot - not radioactive fallout."


But I ultimately bowed to the pressure and now I have little infuriating wads of Kleenex in various places.

I've got no patience now
So sick of complacence now
And I've got no patience now
So sick of complacence now

What, the land of the free?
Whoever told you that is your enemy?

Come on
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight me
Yeah compromise, conformity, assimilation
Submission, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite

$200 cash bond
charged again if even a single tardy, absent, early dismissal for next 6 months w/out judges approval... meaning supposed to call judge and ask if alright to
keep MY son home if sick
they turned my son over to Juvenile courts , will be charged and sent to YDC for any disciplinary actions
and assigned a district tribunal officer to look for a reason to charge either 1 of us.

meanwhile ... everyday theres dozens of grade school thugs roaming our streets during school hrs to pass the time or looking for trouble.
nice to experience the working mans tax dollars hard at work making a difference in the community
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