Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I have a track on a playlist called, "Relaxing Piano".

It's from a compilation called "Deep Meditation".

It's called, "Relaxing Piano", but it sounds like something you would put on as you were about to plunge a knife into your belly or put the barrel of a gun to your temple.

What I'm saying is, it's not real "relaxing".

The correct term by the way is hara-kiri. People often say it harry carry but that's just not right at all.

Sometimes Japanese guys committing hara-kiri would have another guy watching over them with a sword - to chop off their head just in case the self-disemboweling did not get the job done - which it often didn't. It's not that easy a thing to do apparently.

And yeah, no - it is not a relaxing situation at all.