Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

It happened again. I threw away a bunch of perfectly edible food.

I cooked a roast beef for dinner last night but it was just sub-par. Sometimes you just never know. Looks okay at the store but ---> no.

So I ate my dinner and then when I was done I considered the possibility of leftovers. That was the original plan. 1 dinner and then about 3 rounds of leftovers.

But no, I could not see myself building more meals around that particular roast beef. It was the kind of roast beef where, I swear to god, there were some bites I chewed on for awhile and finally just took them out of my mouth. Not because of bad taste but just weird chewiness. Some - most - bites were better than that but . . . yeah, no. In the garbage it went.

Too bad. I know there are people in this cruel world who would welcome that roast beef.

What're ya gonna do?


Donate it to Africa.
That's what I want to do. Send it to Africa, RJ, the starving kids in West Virginia.

Same thing when I threw out all the grape Freezie-Pops from the variety box. I would like someone to have them.

But how?

The human race really needs to get hustling on the transporter technology.

That's what I want to do. Send it to Africa, RJ, the starving kids in West Virginia.

lol yes West Virginia

that was a reference to the Freezie-Pop post, glad you remember. Mudcat, sir, you are a professional.

see boys this is what "pay attention" is all about

Donate the food to RJ. He's eating ring dings and hot pockets.

I'd eat your antelope, and MonkeyF0cker would eat your goat.
i hired a car service to take me home last night/this morning at 6am because I was drunk in queens with no food in my stomach. I didnt tell the driver any of this. but it was obvious I was drunk. when i got out of the car the driver said "you need to eat something". i said "yeah i will" and he said "your eyes are hallow from lack of nutrients. when did you last eat?" I said "uhm 4 days ago. I've been sick and I just cant." the driver reached into his bag and handed me a cookie. I said thank you and got out of the car, went home, and passed out.

i have the cookie in front of me. do i eat it?
We went to the bar and took down a couple pitchers

Everyone was cool we just had a great time, I had a horrible scratch and the lady bartender walks by me and goes "nice shot"

Certified, scare of my life thus far is over.

Big boy pants. Yes I like them quite much.

Much love to all.