Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Somebody on the onion described the white chocolate peppermint pringle as a shamrock shake on a potato chip


I appreciate the advanced notice. Lots of time to get myself organized.

I live in the freest country in the world. These are all paid vacations for government employees

Return Carts to the Supermarket Month--February 1-28

World Sauntering Day--June 19

Wiggle Your Toes Day--August 6

Thomas Crapper Day January 27th

Today we celebrate the man behind the porcelain throne Thomas Crapper.
Though credited by many as the inventor of the flush toilet, Crapper was not, but he did popularize the WC (water closet)

Bath Tub Party Day: (August 5) where party goers are encouraged to go to the extreme and pile in a large tub

Babbling Day--October 21

Eight-track Tape Day--April 11

Z-Day--January 1
Everyone with a "Z" name gets to be first in line today

Take Your Dog to Work Day: June 24

That was an evil cheerleader they showed there. I always think cheerleaders are supposed to look friendly and inviting and pleasantly, unthreateningly dumb.

That cheerleader looks like she has been plotting with Darth Vader to slaughter the fuck out of Chewbacca.
These cheerleaders shaved their head for a leukemia research drive today at the indy game , pretty hot I thought. Natalie portman can look good with or without hair or a wig, that glow in the dark stripper wig in Closer! Great scene.




I've worked with handful of retired CFL guys. They didn't brag about it.

The CFL should be watched the same way the AHL is. As a cute second-rate product.

Don't walk around in a CFL jersey. You endorse retardedness when you do.