Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Your Own Personal Jesus
Matty how much of the German language is coming back to you now that you are there?

Enough that I can read menus/order food/buy gas, but that's it. When people reply they usually talk too fast for me to catch much of anything. Still a lot more comfortable than CZ and PL though - there is about 5% of the words, at best, that bear some resemblance to French, English or German. When we first entered CZ and had to stop to buy a toll sticker for our car, the GF and I both went "oh shit, look at these road signs... you know any klingon? we're fokked"

CZ and PL get mostly German tourists. English is a distant 3rd language in the small towns.

Good times.

We're gonna stop in a Rhineland winery tomorrow, smuggle some authentic small-batch Riesling back to Canadia. :dance:
I dated a Russian chick for a while. People liked her accent. I thought it was an ugly accent. Much like German, Russian is a very masculine language.

She had a kid anyway.

A LTR was never an option.

When she asked to borrow money from me, it was time to let her go.