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Random thoughts

Hey what would you pick to have Emily learn:

French or Mandarin Chinese.

I got an international school that starts at age 3. 80% of classes are in the foreign language for 5 years so they become fluent. They have Spanish too but she already is going to speak that.
deep yo

without a doubt Mandarin, at her toddler age it'll be infinitely more easier for her to pick it up, the learning curve to it is a lot longer than a regular language, french can be picked up relatively easy down the road when she's older but right now is the perfect time for Mandarin

Students in the 3-year-old and pre-Kindergarten programs receive approximately 32 periods of instruction in Mandarin Chinese per week and 3 periods in English. Kindergarten students receive 30 periods in Mandarin Chinese and 5 periods of instruction in English. In Kindergarten, students begin the reading and writing process in both languages. All activities and lessons are carefully designed to help students acquire their second language. Art, music and physical education are integral parts of this program. Various study themes help students learn the Chinese language in social contexts that students typically encounter in everyday life.

Language: Students are introduced to HANYU PINYIN, the Chinese phonetic system; basic Chinese characters; daily-life vocabulary and simple expressions. Students will comprehend Mandarin and speak in correct tones before moving on to the first grade.

It's only 13k a year. :sbrjohn:
how many languages you speak juror?

right now 4, I used to claim french I used to understand 90% of a conversation and used function regularly in the city but too long away from it and away from practice i can't even watch a movie anymore without being lost, so i lost that one

the same started happening with italian but i had much more dominion of the italian language and i love it more, right now if an italian came to me and started talking I would be able to understand his point, it'd take some pauses to answer him back and converse, it's all about surrounding my mind in it for a while and i'm good to go, last time i was in italy was end of '09

portuguese, spanish and english 100% fluent