Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I see one way

change the email on file, call it to the new one, and put your old email back and then I'd have it

i guess anyone with admin access to any type of site can do that

lesson: use different pw for each site you use

LOL. Weird that I started a thread about hashing today too.

Just saw this.

Yeah. Passwords are hashed into the database. It's an MD5 hash with salt. You can grab the salt (it's stored in the userinfo table of the database) and either brute force (MD5(password + salt)) hash all possible passwords checking against the stored hash or (if you're savvy) reduce the password range by a factor of possible collisions in the hash. There are some weaknesses in the MD5 hash algorithm. Worst case scenario, brute forcing all possible passwords would take a few days.

Here's a good paper on MD5 collisions:

beautiful voice but man
