Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Had a buddy of mine ask if I wanted to smoke some weed today.

My thoughts on weed these days is it's alright sometimes but when the paranoia sets is it's just not worth it, so I declined. The stuff these days tends to be more likely to make me paranoid.

I'll probably never smoke it again.

So, that's my thoughts on weed.

Steves is out there enough as it is.
I'm definitely taking it as a sign from the gods. I woke up to the news in the middle of the night and started saying OMG OMG without realizing it. Wife woke up and was alarmed as all hell until I told her what happened.

Pretty confident that I'll never skydive now. It's a completely irrational reaction (the odds are the odds - driving there would've been more dangerous than the jump itself) and I stand by it. 🤝

I decided to defy death by riding my fixie on the 12-inch shoulder of a 2-lane highway instead. 🥳


I had what for me is as good as a bowel movement will get today. It was two medium sized nuggets. I could feel that no wipe was necessary, but I always do a check wipe just in case. The check wipe was spotless, as expected.

So that's as good as it gets for me.

I hope all Gamelivers are being blessed with perfect bm's as well, and that all forner Gamelivers that think they're too good for the place such as Muddy are having horrid half a roll necessary to wipe bm's.