Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

if my Chinese food place doesn't have any slanted eye employee I do not want, wontons from João and Pedrinho:dontthinkso:
Being in FLA get plenty of non-hispanic type food from hispanic employees. More times from not it's better than good/good. Just thinking now though ....damn, I don't think every went to a Chinese place that wasn't all Chinese employees. RJ, you are correct sir!!!

And we gotten plenty and while in NJ probably was once a week! How do they get that broccoli so crispy or whatever texture it is.:dunno:
Stock market now starting to slide way too drastically for my liking getting close to 32K. Though thinking it would have sooner but not liking for my retirement fund. Look, I know crap about it but if so what could I transfer it to quickly without much of a tax burden or not possible? :clueless:
100-year-old Brazilian breaks record after 84 years at same company
I believe this guy might come close to that ..... OMG look, I believe he has that exact thought in his head.
I was thinking something like stinky tofu or garlic soup or one of them fancy cheeses

The other day I bought asparagus and I don't know what for cause I dislike it :dunno: Now it's just sitting there discriminated
Who doesn't like asparugus? Rougie, you're weird man.

It grows wild here and I pick it whenever I can.
Stock market now starting to slide way too drastically for my liking getting close to 32K. Though thinking it would have sooner but not liking for my retirement fund. Look, I know crap about it but if so what could I transfer it to quickly without much of a tax burden or not possible? :clueless:
No responses huh maybe I overestimated the financial astuteness of GL posters here. :dunno:

Maybe I should let Plommer invest it for me. Rumor has it he makes a profit off of other peoples money. :dunno:
No responses huh maybe I overestimated the financial astuteness of GL posters here. :dunno:

Maybe I should let Plommer invest it for me. Rumor has it he makes a profit off of other peoples money. :dunno:
By now Mr. m, your investments should already have been converted to less volatile mutual funds/stocks. I am bearish on the market but have been for 2 years and have sat on my hands other than dabbling in some crypto that have been nothing but negative. That's my fun money, so I'm not too concerned with the current slide.