Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Just thinking of Muddy and wondering when was his last post? Thought he just exited out but with COVID here. Hope all is well.

Thought came up cause we went to C Eve party at neighbor's home and was by my count 20-25 people gathered in close proximity though some didn't stay as long as us. At least 50% I know for sure wasn't vaxxed and probably more (including an 92 year old lady) so wearing a mask wasn't an option.

Thought for sure by work I would have gotten by now. Time will tell and hopefully just will be omicron. My son knows at least 4 friends who have omicron I'm surmising since all just have say just sore throat along with a low fewer etc etc. Of course they all were vaccinated like my son.
Wifey and I have been spending 5-6 hours a day plaing fokkin' Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It's unbelievably good. Last time I had such a blast with a game was with the first Halo, my roommate and I spent 3 weeks worth of evenings finishing it.

That was over 20 years ago. Fuck.
A lot of the classics still hold up. Super Mario 3 is amazeballs even by today's standards.

This new (2017) Zelda is something else though. $120M budget, took 300 people 4 years to create it. The game's world is ridiculously large and almost endlessly interactive.
Rare snow day in Victoria