Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Incorrect, but clearly life is not going well for you.
Lets see, hernia repaired, check, cancer free, check, bloodclot mending, check. Significant weight-loss and improved fitness from regular walking and exercise, CHECK. No worries, check, guaranteed monthly income - check, sizeable inheritance, check.

Yes, you're right again, things obviously not going well for me. Plus I get to play the heel and annoy my victims for fun. Check.

Lets continue. I got all the time in the world.

Not going well? You mad bro. It couldn't be better. Future is so bright I have ta wear shades!
I always find it funny when Americans(?) or posters(?) try to prove to each other they are doing better in life, than the people they arguing with :hehe::missingteeth:
I am not trying to prove anything, just correcting the misinformation here pal.

The truth is I'm absolutely fucking THRILLED with how things are going for me nowadays with my weightloss etc. No worries whatsoever pal.
Life is good brother Reno.
Lets see, hernia repaired, check, cancer free, check, bloodclot mending, check. Significant weight-loss and improved fitness from regular walking and exercise, CHECK. No worries, check, guaranteed monthly income - check, sizeable inheritance, check.

Yes, you're right again, things obviously not going well for me. Plus I get to play the heel and annoy my victims for fun. Check.

Lets continue. I got all the time in the world.

Not going well? You mad bro. It couldn't be better. Future is so bright I have ta wear shades!
You‘re not fooling anyone, but A for effort.
I have more in my change jar than Scommer net worth
Hope his parents live to 100,that would be karma
Perhaps, but how large is your penis? You are asian right?

Enjoy your change jar pal. It seems important to you. This is a dick swinging contest right? I mean you get to brag about you net worth vs poor me.
I fooled you (at least) once already. Why do you think I couldn't do it again?

You think I'm unhappy with how my life is right now? Your anger clouds your judgement. But carry on.
I’m not angry in the least. I’ve got the best BF in the universe and happier than you will ever be…ever…nothing you say affects me…just reads pathetic. Funny you can‘t see it.
I’m not angry in the least. I’ve got the best BF in the universe and happier than you will ever be…ever…nothing you say affects me…just reads pathetic. Funny you can‘t see it.
How would we measure who is happier? You are just because you say so? OK, lets go with that, happy girl.

I think if you truly were happy you'd forget about how lousy I've made you feel and move on, but you are unable. So you and your lapdog continue to bark at me whenever you get the chance. Yes, you sound very happy.