Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Yuveen2 years ago (edited)
as a kid I really thought quicksand would be a much bigger problem in my life



for sure, and banana peels...

a few years back we did a hike in Paria Canyon, which is known for it's quick sand.

I actually did lose some sleep and have quite a bit of anxiety about it, more so for the dog we were taking. But I did watch a few youtube vids on how to escape quick sand for humans too.

It turned out to be a pretty dry time, so there wasn't too much quick sand and it wasn't too deep where we did it encounter it. But it was a bit freaky, like walking in peanut butter
you walked on it on purpose? :wah:

no you couldn't distinguish between the regular ground and the quick sand ground. It all pretty much looked the same, and sometimes it was actually under water in the shallow 1 foot trickle of water we had to cross over back and forth like 200 times per day. we had trekking poles and you try to feel for the really deep stuff.

:highfive: We can go see the exotic dancing when it reopens.

