Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

GoPuff hot pizza review -

It's a new thing they're doing, hot pizzas. I had a pepperoni one. I was very turned off at first because it wasn't very big, the pepperoni was a little burnt, and it was very greasy. You know what though? It hit the fuckin spot. Good taste, very filling. I also like the little surprise packet of crushed pepper. That's the kind of shit that sells me - nice little surprises like that.

Will I order one again? Not sure, time will tell. Probably.

7.2 Steviestars
No more than 6? I respect that. I binge hard and it sucks. At least I don't do it on work nights anymore because with how fast paced and detail oriented my job is it'd be a recipe for disaster. It has to stop altogether.

Had no idea you died in Miami, lol. I'd like to hear that story sometime.