Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I got my yearly invoice for renters insurance and I see I have to pay it by cheque.

I got cheques. I still pay my rent by cheque. That's probably a bit archaic but it's not even my fault. That's just how they still do it here. So I drop it through the super's mail slot on the first of every month.

But this? Ima need a stamp. An honest-to-god fucking stamp.

Hadn't had any booze in a bit. Wanted some beer but didn't have a bottle opener in the new pad. Didn't feel like drinking Mlite or similar canned beers with a decent meal.

Solution? Yuengling in a bottle, it's a twist off and a good beer, in my opinion.

Is there a point to bottled beer requiring bottle openers anyway?

Not seeing one.

Five of them pretty much out me out.


Old ballz
I got my yearly invoice for renters insurance and I see I have to pay it by cheque.

I got cheques. I still pay my rent by cheque. That's probably a bit archaic but it's not even my fault. That's just how they still do it here. So I drop it through the super's mail slot on the first of every month.

But this? Ima need a stamp. An honest-to-god fucking stamp.


Oh wait. No. It's all set up for payment on my online banking. Guess I forgot, then I went full Lou Diamond Phillips on their asses.

But no, everything is cool.

Carry on.