I had the strangest dream.
I had been sentenced to die. That was done and accepted and it was about to happen.
My mother was to carry out the execution. It was to be done by sticking a hose to my belly. It was a gray hose about the size of a garden hose and she was going to touch the end to the outside of my belly - and that would kill me.
It's a dream. Doesn't have to make total sense.
So the interesting part was the psychological element. I knew I was about to die and that was a bit freaky but I was fairly calm. I was thinking about the inevitability of death - so might as well just accept it. Soon I would be in complete oblivion. That's not something to particularly fear - just nothingness. Might as well get on with it.
Now my mother was not in any way happy to be killing me but in this dreamscape that was her role and she accepted it. So she put the end of the hose on my belly.
I immediately started to feel very different. That was weird. I physically felt different in the dream.
But okay I figured that's how it feels to be on the way to death. I expected it to be fast but it was taking a while. After, say, 10 seconds I leaned sideways against my mum. She said, "I love you," and I said, "I love you too - I've been so lucky to have you."
I woke up.