Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

It is a badly titled graphic as it is not actually the most misspelled words - it is the words where google got the most hits for variations of how do you spell . . . ?

Finally redeemed my three free donut rims at the airport Timmies. Didn't go as smoothly as one would expect.

Me - I'll have the strawberry shortcake donut...
Timmies clerk - Oh no you can't have that one. It's not considered a donut.
Me - The strawberry shortcake donut is not considered a donut?
Timmies clerk - It's a shortcake.
Me - It's a shortcake donut.
Timmies clerk - You can't have it.


It was this thing...


It's a SIGNATURE DONUT. But it's not a donut.


So I've been vacationing on the Canadian West Coast and feeling pretty #YOLO so I decided, you know what, fuck it, let's actually pay the premium for the donut-that's-not-a-donut.


My verdict?

There's isn't but a hint of donutness in there. Its essence is closer to that of a French pastry.

Those shrewd foks were right.
This car-sharing company asked me to verify my ID the other day, I had to use their iPhone app to photograph both my face and my driver's license. Which means I briefly got to compare my 2010 driver's license photo with my current self.

I'm not doing bad at all.

Here's something that's a good thing IMO: bulk candy at the grocery store.

So first of all, you can try one to make sure they are of decent freshness - so that's good. But then - and here's the thing - if it is an assorted candy - which is what I am talking about - wine gums mainly - licorice allsorts to a lesser extent - and if there is a particular type within the mix that you prefer . . .

you can cherrypick the fuck out of it and get a super-high concentration of the ones you want - which won't happen if you just buy a bag of Maynards or whatever.

So fuck yeah.
Had a bit of a crisis last night. I was flossing my teeth and the floss got kinda stuck and I ended up having to yank it the fuck out of there, but it left a big wad of, like, strands and wax between the two molars. Jammed in there good.

It was fucking hard to get out too. I went at it for quite awhile with tweezers and more floss and tried a few toothpick strategies.

Drew blood once.

Finally got it sorted out anyway. Happy ending 'n all.
Those yellow "wet floor" warning cones at Timmies are more of a hazard than a damp floor. One day someone will trip and fall and break a leg and they'll be forced to put red cones next to them to warn against yellow cones, etc. Then somewhere around 2075 it'll be nothing but a sea of multicolored cones and people will just use the drive-through in their autonomous flying vehicles to avoid that nonsense.