Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

Are we talking no-shows or socks that barely cover the ankle?

Good question. I assumed we were all talking about the same thing but perhaps not.


my neighbor's boxer dog is racist, anybody walks by the house and he's friendly, any black person walks by and he starts barking


Max died this morning in a tragic traffic accident, he was getting ready to go in his morning walks, the owner went to the house for one second and didn't notice the gate was open, Max ran out all the way to street and into coming traffic, he didn't survived the trip to the vet, he was my friend I used to pet him everyday

rip Max

I still have two more Christmases to go this year, for a total of four. Fuck you Muddy.

Sounds like a wet dream for many people. Don't you love it? Wouldn't you like to have Xmas every third day all year round?

I always feel like I am in a small minority in feeling like, you know, fok that shit.

Xmas. Love it or we will shoot you in the kneecaps.
