Hooligans Sportsbook

Random thoughts

I don't find this place dead. I find it a pretty good rate of posting for my tastes.

Now I suspect RJ might like things to be a little more hoppin'. If it got busier I would be happy for him and completely accepting of it. I actually encouraged people to give the SP crowd a chance when there was some initial unrest.

I wonder how Teddy KGB is doing these days anyway. He really got himself tied in knots over stuff.
it's on :handshake:

To the tune of Sexy Back:

"I'm bringing RayRay back.
You other forums don't know how to act
He hails from SP where we got some tact
I'm going to win this thing cuz i'm Sadcat."

Actually Ray's cool and all, but the Butterfinger will keep me on my game.