always important to keep life in perspective. if not you lose touch with the mundane and take for granted meaningless, forgetful attributes of life.
for instance, its never to late in life to go back jail and spend some time in a jail located in a jurisdiction away from your hometown.
took 7 yrs to forget dozens of Jack Daniels/cokes, a drunk GF, and somewhat uncontrollable rage when provoked whilst under MR. JDs spell always ends with me in lockdown and draining bank acct worked so hard to get ahead having a cushion

didnt total truck this time though. only injury was from sucker punch with some hard object to forehead apparently I was bleeding profusely when detained.
sennys legal tip of the day:
when detained shut yo mouth, answer no questions, be polite bout it but answer nothing
when asked to preform a series of roadside DUI test that are designed to make you fail... politely decline the offer.
get cuffed up , take the ride, and dont sweat it... keep mouth shut while on the ride also. cops jobs are to put you in jail and make you incrimnate yourself by answers their precisely scripted questions they wil use in court agaisnt you.
repeat same protocol once at jail being processed/questioned. enjoy to ypurself the and observe the officer become baffled/ confused/ angry that you are not another sheep he gets to herd through their property they manipulate into destroying any chance of a defense in court
depending on life situations/responsibilties hire a lawyer that specializes in whatever charges you are being processed for.
ie: charged with DUI, reserch and speak with a few lawyers that handle nothing but DUIs.
they]re pricy but ya pay for what ya get. MIne will be worth it if she works a plea deal on lesser charge, best case it gets dismissed due to young punk cop making a mistake at some point and I'll walk with no charges