Much like the OJ thing, I have no detailed memory of the demise of Lady Di. As I recall, she was fleeing the papparazzi? Seems to me like not fleeing might have been an idea? Like just don't flee? Just drive carefully and let them do whatever weaselly thing they do which I guess means taking pictures? Did lives really have to be put at risk to prevent pictures from being taken? When you've already had your picture taken 10 billion times?
Well with 9/11, thousands of people died and it led to multiple wars with tens of thousands more dead and maimed and traumatized, and repercussions that carry on to this day including changes to the very fundament of several societies across the globe.
And after the Lady Di tragedy, Elton John revised his song about dead blondes.
It's not just me. Someone filled up the candy bowl with Jolly Ranchers and now there is almost nothing left but grape.
I like grapes but grape flavored things? ---> -ve proposition in my world. Grape drink = no thanks. I actually chucked the grape popsicles from an assorted box in a much ballyhooed episode.
And it seems like it's not just me.
Mind you I was surprised how much I liked the Apple JR's. You know what? Fuck it - I'm going for a grape JR.
I do not like grape flavored stuff. at all. I ocean spray's grape juice, that's it. I like real grapes. None of this flavored crap. Not a particularly huge fan of watermelon flavored stuff either. Cherry is my favorite. apple, strawberry, and orange are ok. I stick to Cherry though, cherry is the best.