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random MUSIC thoughts

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Roger Daltry, lead singer of The Who who have represented youthful rebellion and an all-around fuck-you attitude since the 60's, has now taken to berating audience members at his shows for smoking pot.

"Thank you so much for coming. I’ve gotta tell you, all the ones smoking grass down in front here: I’m totally allergic to it. I’m not kidding. Whoever it is down there, you fucked my night. You made me really—I’m allergic to that, and my voice just goes [slurping sound], it sucks up. So fuck you!"


Dude, time to retire.
My only quasi-related comment is, I went to a Who Farewell Tour concert once. And yes I smoked pot and there was a huge amount of pot-smoking going on - because it was a fucking rock concert. Of The Who.

But that's not even my quasi-point.

My quasi-point is it was 1984. That was 35 years ago. I went to their farewell show 35 years ago.

Dude, time to retire.
Roger Daltrey has been married twice - and he has 4 children from those marriages. He also had a child as a result of an affair between those marriages. So 5 kids there.

Interestingly, he has since had 3 other women come forward as adults claiming he is their father - and apparently that is true. So he actually has 8 children. At least.

And he has 15 grandchildren. At least.

Grampa, time to retire.
I wonder about this movie Yesterday which, if I'm understanding what I'm seeing, is about a world where The Beatles suddenly never existed and only one guy remembers them.

So he starts "writing" their music and becomes very successful in his music career.

Thought #1: movie could be good. Looks okay. Could belly-flop too though. So I guess I'm not saying much there.

Thought #2: it makes me wonder. Like if that scenario actually happened and someone in 2019 wrote I Wanna Hold Your Hand, would it be a big hit? I don't think so. I don't see it. I'm not even sure Hey Jude or Let it Be would work. I definitely don't see them as any kind of mega-phenomenons.

The song Yesterday I think would work.

I dunno.
