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Question about tipping

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Blitty has me pegged. Generally 20-25% on a food bill barring horrendous service. At the bar its generally a buck per order regardless if its one or two beers.

I would say Blitty is a poor to mediocre tipper... He's introduced me to someone i believe is the worst tipper ive ever met.

On top of food service i tip cabbies well (tho i despise taking cabs and rarely do), 20%. I tip porters/bell hops a buck a bag and $5 for four bags. At a hotel I always leave $5 a night for the cleaning crew, usually with a note reading "have a great day!" In NYC you tip doormen and building maintenance men/supers @ xmas, $20/ea x 16. I tip dealers and croupiers after a big score or good run, base wager and i ask how they like it (wagered or straight up). I also tip mutuel clerks at the track since i tend to use the same one all day, 5% of anything over $200 WON (not incl wager). I tip moving men or furniture delivery guys $50/ea and $20/ea respectively and i always offer then water and beer. I tip grocery delivery persons $3 every other time.

Also, ive been known to tip a bus boy directly if i notice he has pride in his job, $5.
Wow Boner, I am impressed, that is very kind of you, not everyone is like that.

When I was poor I hated it when people wanted to go out to eat or drink, I didn't feel right going somewhere if I didn't have the means to eat or drink and not tip well too. Needless I rarely went.

Bacon and I are good tippers. Especially at the bar next door, if we pay all at once, pending the balance, we give them at least five dollars, if order drink by drink we always leave a dollar or two each time. I'll tell you what, those girls really appreciate it, they've thanked me a couple times when I was in the league. I never thought about tipping the cooks, but I suppose we could do that once in a while.
Christmas time. Gotta get the doormen and building staff. $20/ea. There's 16 of them and probably 50 x 8 apartments in my building.. figure they each get 3-7k. Also, I forgot to add above that I generally tip my barber extra around this time. Usually it's $20 flat for a $16 cut but this time of year I give him $40 for the same $16 cut. He's a good dude.

Oh also flower sellers. I rarely buy my wife flowers (once or twice a year). I often give the sales person who is usually a teen or Hispanic a $5 tip on top of the flower price. I guess I figure tipping and randomly buying flowers for a loved one are borne out of the same benevolent spirit.
What do they really need them for anyway? They're dead!

My vote for quote of the year, here at Gamelive.com.

Blitty is a bad tipper?

Bone Bone, give us some examples.

Boys, how much do we tip our barber for Christmas? We do $40 right now.

Cleaning lady (she comes every other week) gets an extra $50 at Christmas (we overpay her $10 per visit because she's very nice and very reliable.