This isn't it RC, just something else.
U2 and Bono makes the MrM POS list for sure! Can somebody dispute it?
U2's Manager Lashes Out Yet Again: Blames Absolutely Everyone For Not Making U2 Even Wealthier
Back in January, U2's longtime manager, Paul McGuinness went off on a bit of a rant, blaming ISPs and pretty much any internet company for destroying the music business. His points were easily debunked -- especially coming off the fact that U2 had just completed a year in which it made $355 million on touring -- and I'd bet that a fair portion of that came from folks who listened to U2 mp3s they didn't pay for. Apparently, McGuinness chose not to read any or understand any of the criticism towards his position, because five months later, he's back again, blaming absolutely everyone but the recording industry for the industry's own failure to adapt (found via Mathew Ingram who makes some excellent points in responding to McGuinness). So who does he blame?
Just a regular person's write up here on Bono that I agree with.
So he makes sure to make most of his millions outside of Ireland. You are so defensive of him. He's a millionaire living tax free in Ireland who makes pronouncements about the US and the rest of the world all the time. Also, I'm sure I pay more taxes than he does, and I just find it odd.
Oh, and in case you didn't know, if an American citizen lives and works outside of the United States for more than a year, all their income after that is tax free. That's why so many contractors make a fortune in Iraq and Afghanistan. Oh, and don't come back and say I don't know what I'm talking about, I have friends who are working and living outside of the US right now who haven't paid income tax in years. Also, my stepbrother lived in the Middle East working for Haliburton for many many years, all tax free.
Lots of US citizens live outside of the United States and stay out because they want to keep from paying taxes on their income. That's probably why Johnny Depp lives in France.
I'm so sorry I offended you by speaking against your hero Bono, but I just find it very odd that he makes all these pronouncem ents all over the world about how things should be, but he pays no income taxes to help the infrastruc ture of his homeland, Ireland.
Ireland not looking good for 2011
DUBLIN — Ireland unveiled the harshest budget measures in its history Wednesday, a four-year plan to slash deficits by euro15 billion ($20 billion) so it can receive a massive bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.
The austerity plan axes thousands of state jobs, trims welfare benefits and pensions, and imposes new taxes on property and water. In all, it seeks to cut euro10 billion ($13.3 billion) from spending and raise euro5 billion ($6.7 billion) in extra taxes from 2011 to 2014.
Even Prime Minister Brian Cowen conceded the plan would hurt the living standard of everyone in the nation.
Yet analysts still expressed doubts that the EU-IMF rescue loan, which Cowen said would be about euro85 billion ($115 billion), would be big enough to save Ireland from an eventual default.
And bank shares plummeted for a third straight day on the Irish Stock Exchange, reflecting growing expectations that investors will be wiped out if the government is forced to seize majority control of the country's two dominant banks, Allied Irish and Bank of Ireland.
"The government is completely in denial about the amount of money they'll have to borrow," said Constantin Gurdgiev, a finance lecturer at Trinity College Dublin and an economics adviser to IBM in Europe.
Ireland is still negotiating the terms of the bailout with European Central Bank and IMF experts. The government hopes its tough budgetary medicine will permit the country's 2014 deficit to fall to 3 percent of gross domestic product, the limit for the 16 nations that use the euro currency.
While most eurozone members are exceeding that rule, Ireland's deficit this year is forecast to reach 32 percent of GDP, a modern European record, fueled by exceptional costs from its unfathomable bank-bailout effort.
"Today is about Ireland putting its best foot forward, Ireland saying: Yes, here is what we're prepared to do as a government and a people to put right what has to be put right, and to give ourselves prospects and prosperity again," said Cowen, who is widely expected to resign or be forced from office within weeks.
When a U2 song comes on anymore in the car, I tune to something else immediately . Yes, their are others like U2 but these guys take the cake. Bono probably donate lots of money if they made him King of Ireland.
Please, I need cold, hard cash donation facts of what these world renown good-doers have done. Not some intangible free concert BS!
Please U2, Ireland needs help!!!