Organ Transplant

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Hope intense is the right word for going through what SHE, you, relatives, family, friends, everybody that knows her has had to last 7 weeks. Can't fathom my mind handling it. Blitty being close no doubt also he and wife always is on their minds thinking of the situation.

Think finally time if not act my age, get as close to it as possible! MrsM would agree! God bless and pray/ hope for the quickest recovery possible!
tell your wife she is so hot. Steve and I would fight to hold the cooler dry ice her new lungs are in, and lick the inside of the igloo
hello bone!

all of our best. science is amazing.
Standard is 2-4 weeks in hospital post transplant. Some are longer if there are complications. She's been hospitalized for related things since May 1st...

After that she should enjoy 80-100% pre-disease lung function for a number of years (more if she survives the first year post transplant). Eventually the lungs will be rejected by the body and if she's young enough and strong enough she may do it all over again.
Thank god,you had medical insurance.I am a godfather to a person that had a liver transplant at 3 years old,she is 25 now and probably healthier than me,other than taking an anti-rejection pill daily and year check up ,she is as normal as can be.We use to call her the million dollar baby because of all the procedures that had to be done