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Opinions and Assholes

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Feb 1, 2010
Things tend to bug me that probably don't bother others but something I've noticed has always bugged me and I'm wondering if anyone else notices it or don't care.

Almost without fail in any thread someone will state an opinion. Good bad or indifferent their opinion is theirs and they are entitled to it. Often times though that opinion isn't stated in opinion form, it reads like fact. I might read into the post and interpret the amount of arrogance in which it is posted but I'm not interpreting that it's not posted in opinion form, that part is fact.

When you are offering your opinion to a topic do you realize how you are constructing it or do you assume it will be taken as an opinion? Do you not care how it is taken? Is it actually not an opinion at all and in fact in your mind is factual?

No need to point fingers and call anyone out and besides its pretty widespread anyways. If you have noticed then you know what I am talking about and if you havent then you dont care or in your mind its not so.
MrM, I’ve become detached from normal reality and am now living my life through online interaction. I’m not a gamer so I can’t create my own special Nirvana in something like Second Life so I gravitate to forums………………………..

Ok a real answer. I’m not so much serious as curious. I’m curious if people here are actually giving an opinion as a form of sharing or if they are stating what to them is a fact. For instance the Apple products stuff. Some like Apple some don’t but regardless of the side you choose the opinions offered up aren’t very opinion based but rather more factual.

Apple was just an example, same is true of capping styles or basically any topic discussed.
Jerky comments aside though wally its an interesting point, and I have an opinion.

In reality there are very few facts in the world at large. Scientific principals are debated, changed, and substantiated or debunked. Statistical certainties are excepted, things that people "know" to be true are proven false on a daily basis. All we really have is 2+2=4, and there is advanced mathmatic theories that calls that certainty in to question.

Furthermore, throughtout our education, both life education and formal schooling we are conditioned to better our positions through presentation of facts. Persuasive writing, scientific lab reports, even simple group decisions require us to combine what we call facts with reason to achieve a desired result.

I don't know about you but I always assume everything is 90% opinion unless of course its my own. In that case it is a FACT that its my opinion.
if you leave the door open for a statement to be opinion or fact you are granted the later ammo of being able to say I told you so or to just say it was an opinion when you are proven wrong and thats bullshit imo.