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Operation: Creep Cami Out

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im in a heavily saturated brown recluse area... been getting the house sprayed every 3 months and once a week i go around the windows and doors with some orthos home defense indoor/outdoor killer...seems to help out a whole lot.... cami, get some and also get some glue traps and cut them up and put them around the doors and below windows inside

RayRay, I think I will. I love to cook, but hate being in the kitchen with those creepy little foks. It's all wood house too so that doesn't help. We get Widow spiders, I killed a little one last night, that's what bit Steve. Stupid spiders. There used to be bats in the attic, didn't have nearly as big an issue with spiders then. I miss those bats for that sole reason.
My kitchen is still infested with spiders despite my efforts. Creepy little foks. I hate their sticky webs about as much as I hate them. Today was a total creep out when I felt something, and looked to see a couple of ittybitty baby spiders crawling across my chest, I got them off of me, then turn around and walk right into an adult spider hanging down from the ceiling. I also just sneezed on my computer screen. Fok me.
2 children dead after python escapes N.B. pet store



Two children died after a python got into an apartment in Campbellton, N.B., RCMP say.
"Police are investigating two sudden deaths of two young boys," Const. Julie Rogers-Marsh said Monday.
It's believed the snake escaped from a pet store called Reptile Ocean. The victims were boys aged five and seven. They were visiting a friend in the apartment above the store, police said in a statement released Monday.

This is not my day, started off in a bad mood. Almost lost a deal tonight, Bacon saved it...:bowdown:
Tried to push the cork into my wine bottle since I couldn't get it out, the wine bottle then busted and I got covered in wine and I spent like ten minutes cleaning that up. Waiting for Bacon to get done work, thought I'd clean the kitchen a little, come across a BIG spider that wouldn't die until like half a bottle of bug spray later and a run across my kitchen. I killed it my self though, I whimpered and squealed the whole time like a baby. The dead body is sitting there waiting for bacon to dispose of it. I need to wash a couple dishes but now I am afraid of my kitchen. I fought that fucker off with a spatula too...it coming towards me. Fuck you Tuesday, go away.
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Damn Cami...I feel for you. You sound just like me. I'll have to tell you my centipede in the shower story. I poured like half a box of detergent on it(kind of like your salt on that critter the other night) from 3 feet away and waited for cleaning gal to come and dispose of it.

Do you have centipedes up that way? Fast little fokkers! And that one was HUGE.
Yeah, we have those, they don't really bother me though. I am self diagnosed arachnophobia. Nothing puts me in a panic attack and tears like a big ol nasty spider. Even when Bacon saw it he was like "damn, that is a nasty one"...and he isn't scared of them like I am. I dunno why, but ever since my brother and his friend told me spiders could bite when I was little, I've been deathly afraid of them every since. I had big fuzzy ol widow right in my face one summer when we were camping out in one of those pop up trailer tents, I screamed so loud I woke everyone up. My moms friend caught it in a jar and put it in the freezer, I climbed in bed with my brother and slept under the blankets all night. I was scared. I.hate.spiders.

Hence the name of this thread so kindly started by the asain lover.
That spider was a cool guy, unfortunate species he was. Don't let the sound effect affect you unless I need a beer.

Centipede was a cool game at the bowling alley.

Tuesdays though. They'll make ya craycray.

STFU with that shit before I VIOLENTLY FYF!

Centipede was a game at a bowling ally? Please explain, I have never heard of this.

Also, I :loveyou: fucko. Bad day for me and I am sorry for being combative with you.
oh man, i did some weed whackin today in my pool pump/ac area... decided to not be so fucking lazy and i moved some bags of fertilizer that had been taking up space in a corner for years....LOOKOUT! i moved one bag and there was a small village worth of black widows all over the place...i freaked a bit...grabbed all the bug killer and sevindust and went to town on the area... fuck them
Oh jesus Ray, I would be so scared! I'd be high tailin it to a hotel and calling an exterminator stat! I hope you didn't get bit! First that snake, now the spiders...what's next?! Did you get 'em all RayRay?

What is Sevindust, I feel like you have told me about that before, but I don't remember.