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OK Gamelive folks, here are the American Idol Pickin Rules.


New Member
Feb 4, 2010
I am posting the rules as they are posted over at AIC, I have decided that the game will start with 24 contestants, and the first expected entry for participants is before 8:15 PM 2/25/10. Notice I give you all 15 minutes after the ellimination show starts to make you guesses. This is for the people who forget to enter, but when that crappy broadway style number comes on, you can still make your move.

American Idol Conspiracy/ Gamelive
$500 Idol Picker Contest

WTF? you say. Yeah it is true, this is a contest to see who is the King (or Queen) of all Idol Pickers. All you have to do watch the American Idol program. Then when the pool of contestants are selected for individual performance eliminations, log in and make a couple of American Idol contestants to be the running for the eventual winner, and every week, from then on, select who is getting the boot off the show for that week. If at the end of the season you have the most points, you get a FedEx man delivering $500 in cash direct to you.

The show starts next Tuesday 01.12.10, and I'm guessing that I have until around the middle of May to produce some cash, but in the meantime, I encourage everyone participate every week, regardless of the actual outcome from your selections. The scoring that is described below rewards participation very well, and it may be impossible to win by just missing 4 or 5 of the shows. Hey, on most days you have almost 48 hours to decide from seeing the performances, to seeing the eliminations.

Here are my rules:

1. 1 entry per person open to all American Idol Conspiracy registered posters; no "ghost" duplicates are tolerated. Posters with the same IP address location are allowed, but proof of life is required if requested by the referee.

2. As I (RageWizard) am the referee, I will then be disqualified to participate in the contest.

The term contestant will refer to actual American Idol Contestants who have been selected in a final pool for performance evaluation elimination competition.
The term participant refers to this contest participants.

3. All rulings can be subjected to appeal as long as the grievances are submitted within 1 week of the ruling in question, or before the next round of elimination episodes from American Idol. Generally, scores will be posted within a couple of days after the elimination, or point generating show. If points aren't posted 48 hours before the next eliminating show, the grievance acceptance period will be extented until the next elimination show. If the American Idol has been selected, distribution of the reward will then be delayed 1 week after the posting of the winning participant or until all grievances have been settled by the referee.

4. All participants must post their selections on this web site in the properly labeled thread. I realize that some people may have contractual obligations that would preclude them from participation, so in that instance, a surrogate may be used, but the entries must still be submitted in the correct thread so that transparency can be obtained and verified by all entrants.

5. Game play:

5a. Longevity of appearances: Each participant should submit 2 Idol contestants that they believe will last the longest or eventually win the contest. For every week that the idol contestant survives an elimination, or an elimination with a bye week provision attached, the participant who has selected that contestant shall receive 100 points multiplied by the number of weeks that contestant has been selected by the contest participant.

EX. Contestant A has been selected by Participant "5", and has made it through elimination for 5 weeks, so the total score for that selection is 100 points for the first week, 100 points x 2 for the second week, 100 points x 3 points for the 3rd week, etc...
If the contestant is voted off the show, the participant can make another selection but the points will reset as if it was the 1st week of play for that contestant.

5b. Eliminated Contestant: Every week, a participant shall make a selection or selections depending on how many idol contestants will be voted off of the show. If the participant's selected contestant is voted off the show, the participant will be awarded 100 points x the amount of contestants left to be eliminated from the beginning of the show.

EX. If there are 24 contestants at the beginning of the show, and 1 is voted off, and Participant "5" guesses the correct contestant voted off the show, He/She/Whatever is awarded 100 points x 24 contestants for 2400 points.

5c. All selections for the week must be made before the elimination show by each participant in order to receive participation points, or points for selecting the correct contestant to be voted off the show, or to change a contestant for the eventual American Idol. If a participant has a selected contestant already in play from a previous week, there is no need to reaffirm that selection. Upon satisfactory completion of selected contestants for various reasons by a participant, that participant will then be awarded 500 participation points for that elimination episode.

5d. If bye weeks are given, a participant may guess that a bye will be enacted. The participant can only use the "bye week" guess for as many times as a bye week provision is allowed by American Idol rules. If the participant is correct in guessing, an award of 500 points will be given. No points are awarded for a wrong guess, but at least 1 bye week provisional guess will have been used, and depending on how many bye weeks there are, the participant may be out of guesses for the remainder of the competition.

5e. For the final week, all participants will select their winner contestant, and if their winner contestant actually wins to become the next American Idol, they will receive a bonus of 1000 points towards their score. All other selections are still "live" and will be recorded, including the contestant to be eliminated, and the contestants remaining.

6. The participant with the most points at the end of the contest will be awarded the prize, but in the event of a tie, a tie breaker will be established with the following tie breakers:

1. Selection of the American Idol Winner
2. Greatest number of correctly guessed eliminated contestants
3. Greatest number of surviving contestants for consecutive weeks
4. If still tied the award will be split amongst all participants still tied.

7. At the end of the contest, a total award of $500 cash will be sent to the winner/winners via FedEx with a signature required for verification of receiving. Other payment terms may be used if requested and agreed to by the sponsor.

So if you have any questions, please post them here.
Please take note of Rule 5c, this rule still remains even though it is possible to legally participate after the begining of the show. This rule will now only apply to receiving participation points, points for who is getting voted off, and who is staying, along with bye week provisions will be awarded, only the participation points will not be given out.
Guess I'll have to remember my login over there from back in the day.

What about if the show brings back someone who is voted off. They do that from time to time. I take it they are considered to have never been kicked off at that point?

And don't they go from 24 to 12 within a show or two? I think they do. There isn't 24 weeks of shows kicking off one at a time til Final 12 I think. Not sure though.
Guess I'll have to remember my login over there from back in the day.

What about if the show brings back someone who is voted off. They do that from time to time. I take it they are considered to have never been kicked off at that point?

And don't they go from 24 to 12 within a show or two? I think they do. There isn't 24 weeks of shows kicking off one at a time til Final 12 I think. Not sure though.

Thanks for your questions, and if anyone else has a query, please post up and I will answer.

As for voting people off the show, the rules are consistent with that scenario happening.
Here's what will happen if:
1. Let us just say that a contestant named Gawdy Blows gets the boot on one of the elimination shows, and actually misses the next show of the competition, or is considered gone from the competition. Then they decide that he should be back on the show. The rules will consider him to be a new contestant. This means that if you guessed that he was getting the boot, you get all of the points awarded to Mr. Blows getting kicked off of the show, and if you had him making it to the end, you get nothing for that show, and the cumulative addition for him is also stopped. When he comes back on, he is considered a new contestant and can then be selected to make it to the end if you choose, or you can choose him to be kicked off the show again.

or 2. Gawdy Blows gets the boot, and is named as such but he is saved that day on the elimination show, and is still considered part of the competition for the next show. In this case if you selected him to get the boot, you still get the elimination points, and if you selected him to stay you still get the points with the cumulative additions. Further more, if you guessed that they were going to use the bye week provision, you get the bonus points for that prediction as well.

Now for your other question, I believe it will take them 3 weeks to go from 24 to 12, with 2 gay dudes and 2 biatches getting the boot on the Thursday show for those weeks. This means that there are allot of points up for grabs right off the bat. Initially, I was planning on only doing the top 12, and handing out this many points may prove to be prohibitive for someone to overcome if they don't get any points. So in the case of the first 3 weeks when they are getting rid of 4 slouches a week, I will split up the points, so the first week, the total you can get will be 2400, the second week will be 2000, and the 3rd week will be 1600. then when there are 12 left, the rules as writen will kick in. Now if they say they are gettin rid of 4, and only get rid of 3, the points will be divided equally amonst the people getting the boot, and if they name the 4th person, that person will be worth the same as the others. Ex. on week 1, 4 people are named to leave: Anita Cox, Ophela Deeper, Hugh G. Wrekson, and Harry Balls. They decide to let Ophela Deeper stay, so everyone else will be worth 800 points, and if you have choosen Anita Cox to be gone as well, you get 800 points, and if you have choosen her to stay, you get those points as well. I'm pretty sure they won't tell anyone if they are giving out bye- weeks this year until the 12 finalist are left, so don't make any bye week guesses unless they tell you it is a possiblity.