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OCD or Quirks?

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Feb 1, 2010
Do you have personal hang-ups/quirks. Nothing that maybe qualifies you as totally OCD but close?

One of my huge hang-ups is other peoples clothes or anything that has been on their body.

If I go to a friends house and wash my hands in their bathroom and see a only a towel hanging on the shower rod, no way can I dry my hands on their body towel.

If I go to the washer or dryer and someone elses clothes are in there I cant touch them if they contain underwear even though they are clean. Which is crazy cause when intimate with someone I would have no problem chewing right through their panties or wearing them on my head or around my neck.

If I get into the shower and there is hair on the soap I throw the bar away and get a new one. I mean how hard is it to rinse off the soap after using it so that someone else doesnt have to get your hair on them people?

What are some of your quirks?
I consider myself fortunate to be free of that sort of baggage for the most part. I would not bat an eye over a pube in the soap or give much thought to the towel I dry my hands on. Perhaps it is the extensive amount of camping I did in my younger years but I have no expectation of life to be antiseptic.

I have known people with honest-to-gawd OCD and it seems like such an undesirable thing. It can go much further and be so much more involved. One guy I know, if he's out driving, sometimes has to circle around and retrace his steps because he is afraid he has run over someone (without knowing it somehow) and he has to check for bodies he has left dying at the side of the highway.

Such huge amounts of baggage some people lug around. I am very lucky.

I have some dopey stuff I do in a semi-compulsive way. I talk to myself a fair bit and sometimes repeat certain things that get stuck in my head. Let's make the magic happen. I make myself laugh quite often. If there were secret cameras hidden in my place, people watching me might very well think I am mad. But I don't think that's OCD.

I prefer to place it more in the category of eccentric.
For some reason Muddy when I was making this thread you were the leading canidate to have the most quirks outside maybe Steve/s (no offense Steve/s) here.

Muddy I can't use my own bath towel to dry my hands on. Body and hands are kept seperate. The crazy thing about the germ thing that this is related too is the fact that I can use the same glass for weeks between washings at a time as long as I keep it in the freezer. Course the only thing that is ever in the glass is diet coke but still.
I feel like 99% of people should say "Let's Make the Magic Happen" 5-10 times a day. they would benefit from this

there is a small percentage of human beings, that could only say this to their detriment.

please try to distinguish
It would take barely more than a single dollar to get me drunk. Seriously one beer I get pretty loopey. One martini (I do it like a shot) and I am singing happy birthday to total strangers in a restaurant, true story.
For some reason Muddy when I was making this thread you were the leading canidate to have the most quirks outside maybe Steve/s (no offense Steve/s) here.

Who me?

Naw. As I say, none of the germ-related hang-ups for me. In real life I am extremely relaxed and low-key and non-hyper. I always see people around me getting very irritated by stuff I wouldn't even have noticed.

Other than the constant jabbering to myself and occasionally sending myself into fits of hysteria, I am solid as a rock.
Is it just me? Isn't the same true of everyone?

General question: are you a different - CRAZIER - person when you are all alone? If you were being monitored by hidden cameras, would they basically see the same person you try to present to the public or do you have all kinds of strange - CRAZY - stuff secretly going on.

You are being monitored by the way.
Alarm has to always be set for an odd number ie 7:33 am, not 7:30 or 7:35. But my gambling account balances always have to finish off on an even amount at the end of the day. I'll even withdraw or make a donkey bet in order for this to happen. I'm pretty sure I have a few more but those are the first ones that come to mind.