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Not Racist

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earlier that year yall had came to so fla and moldy had invite me to hang out and then nothing, but yall did came, i didn't have a fb account then, you didnt want to meet me :(

and lookie later, all 3 sleeping in a single bed hotel room

Fighting 2+ on 1 is not a black exclusive mentality it is a pack mentality. Whites do it, Hispanics do it anyone who falls into the pack mentality are susceptible to participating in this most cowardly example of warfare.

Common with those who chose to join gangs or run in packs is a sense of needing to fit in. Many are lost or face the fact that they are not widely accepted which leads them to doubt themselves and their abilities. Surrounding themselves in large groups serves two primary purposes; first it allows them to be socially anonymous and secondly it gives them courage to face situations they would normally avoid. When there are groups of these personalities they build and feed off one another and act as one in many situations. “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts” takes on an entirely different yet very literal meaning when these pack mentality groups gather.
Wally that's very adorable and politically correct of you. And to a degree, also correct.

But I'm telling you right now that if you are out and about, in any kind of party town. And you find yourself in an altercation with a brother over anything (your fault, his fault or whatever) alllll the other brothers in the vicinity will immediately come to the guys aid, no questions asked or taking the temperature of the situation. Fists and boots to the head.

Once again, this is fact, not racist. Can't say I've ever seen whitey do that. We just want to get to the next bar.
I'm not being politically correct, well not intentionally at least nor am I a dreamer (with the exceptiong that Teela is gonna wake up one morning with an incredible desire to get her some Wal) I'm just speaking from experience.

We are all conditioned by the environments we have grown up in and recognize as fact what we most commonly see. The news broadcast black gangs, you personally have seen more black group crimes and no doubt it's a fact. Here in my lil Redneck community I just happen to have seen plenty of white guys with cowboy hats doing the exact same thing. I have seen plenty of college FRAT boys doing the exact same thing.

My comments were not to say that any of you are stereotyping or profiling I was just pointing out that it's not exclusive to one race is all.
This brings back a racist saying that I learned at a very young age growing up in an all white town. I remember hearing it in elementary school for God's sake. "Fight! Fight! N and a white. N don't win, they all jump in." Pretty sick that I heard it so young and have never forgotten it.
Yea my comments could be viewed as being ignorant, I'm sure. But I'm only speaking from experience. I've been in way too many fights in my day. You fighting a white guy in a public place, it's you against him and probably his friends. That's it.

You find yourself in a physical altercation with a brutha, you better high tail it because the entire Zulu nation comes running out of every bar to get a piece of you. it's a real hoot, trust me!
You guys won't believe this but when I was growing up I have never seen a black or asian person in my life except on TV. When I was about 15 years old I finally saw a black guy and it was a great experience. I felt the same way when we visited the newborn panda at our zoo here a few years back. There were lines of people waiting to see the newborn.
Zulu nation. I went to hich school there. I never made the basketball team.

Wally, you are dreamer. Not that it's a bad thing. But you beleive you can help people change their persepectives (people rarely change), believe you can get Bread to stop abusing drugs (common), and believe the world could be a better place if we would just talk things out. the Teela thing is more of a fantasy. I hear ya though.
I am not so full of myself that I think I can change someones perspective. That doesn't prevent me from always offering my view points though. We all come from different backgrounds and our life's experiences make us who we are. Some allow those experiences to influence the rest of their lives by continuing the cycle and others try to change the future because of those previous experiences. Like they say Coug's, "to expect change, we must change".
I am not so full of myself that I think I can change someones perspective. That doesn't prevent me from always offering my view points though. We all come from different backgrounds and our life's experiences make us who we are. Some allow those experiences to influence the rest of their lives by continuing the cycle and others try to change the future because of those previous experiences. Like they say Coug's, "to expect change, we must change".

I always expect change, since it's inevitable.