Did y'all see the treatment San Jose fans were giving the US national anthem prior to games against Vegas? When they got to the word night? Which is like Knight?
Go to 1:08
Singer got so rattled that she sang that our scarf was still there
But of course it was because you're the guy that taught me how to properly play pocket queens, which has made me quite a bit of green.
Reno, I apologize to you as well man. You're clearly cool and very sharp as fuck and you're yet another person that I took out my at that time disastrous circumstances that I was too much of a pussy to handle, and that had nothing at all to do with you at all on. And so I am so sorry. You are a confirmed winner man which anyone that is not a drunk babbling fuckind idiot, like I was, can instantly see that bro.
Gary Bettman must be salivating over the prospect of Winnipeg in the Stanley Cup final. If there is one thing American viewers can't get enough of, it's things relating to Winnipeg.