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My Valentines Day

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Drama Moobs Your Mom
Aug 3, 2010
8:00-9:00 Worked out with a new personal trainer. It was a girl. I think she enjoyed pulling my right shoulder blade out of it's socket. On a side note, she is built like Chyna and she is only slightly better looking.

9:00-10:00 Showered, and read some stuff on here. You guys are epic. I think my ass hurts just from all the anal implications.

10:00-11:00 Listening to new music. At 36, you gotta stay current if you want to bang 24 year olds with aninate ability to post dirty thoughts and has nicknames for anal sex moves.

11:00-1:00 Need to work on a short story about a beekeeper. Yes a short story about a beekeeper.

1:00-3:00 Since my roommate has switched his valentines plans, I have the house to myself tonight. Since I cannot drink, I am going to pound Diet Dr. Pepper and watch a movie. Any suggestions?

3:00-5:00 Work on my novel. Eat a healthy dinner consisting of turkey meat and asparagus

5:00-7:00 Work on the short story again. Fucking beekeeper.

7:00-10:00 Watch NBA and talk to a couple of sharps in Vegas via telephone. Have them make fun of me for betting the OVER Lakers.

10:00- Midnight Read all that has been posted here.

If that doesn't make for a fun Valentines Day, I don't know what does. :stevie:
Rofl I love you.

I recently read that Diet soda increases risk of heart attack/stroke by 61% so be careful with that. I'm sure those people smash like 10 a day though as aopposed to your one.

Why can't you drink?

I have been vascillating with the whole eating right and working out. I have a new trainer and after my birthday weekend, I felt it was important that I tone up. I am about 25 pounds lighter than my last pictures. I have never been fat, but I really want to look good for pool season in Vegas. As far as diet soda goes, if I die from a heart attack, I can think of about 100 other reasons for that to happen...lol.
7 45 am - woke up and made some coffee. Wanted to kill myself because of the hangover. Started some coffee.

755 am - poured said coffee. Forgot this coffee maker does not have stop-drip. Didn't care, put hot pot on top of burning coffee.

8 am - Started work.

11 am - This big deal emailed me back. Log home. I think we can do it. Should be some nice mish.

Noon - Emailed Massage Therapist girl. We are going to hang.

1 pm - Work

2 pm - Work

3 PM - Work

4 PM - Work

5 PM - Work. We are getting ready to close this deal I stole from a douchie who works for the competition. He so stupid, yo; smashed his deal and making 1.5 on the back and hopefully 1 on the front as of tomorrow's rates. Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered guey. Better luck next time sleezebag.

650 - Minimart girl making me Cheesesteak and Breadsticks, email regarding $1k freeplay received.

651 pm - Terrorists broke into my house and brought me to Afghanistan and put me on TV getting ready to cut my head off I broke free though and escaped and returned home using every resource imaginable; found an underground series of tunnels, ate insects and drank trickles of water wherever I could find them when I returned to ground I spent days wandering the hot desert son and would have died if it weren't for knowing that Gamlive.com would miss my presence.

655 pm - Taking a shower then gong to Minimart, getting my food, flirting with MM girl, returning home, getting drunk and watching "The Town".

How's that for a Valentine's Day?