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music question - tech boob strikes again

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Some of my friends are using freeallmusic.com which allows you to download MP3s for free out of their catalog in exchange for watching a <60 sec. video ad from one of their sponsors. Might be an option for the people who don't want to pay and yet don't want to steal either; with this site you can trade time for music.
I used to like Napster, and I used to occasionally by cd's. But since they fucked Napster I haven't bought any.
The concept of music itself being for sale is a bunch of shit. I could understand back in the day when you were actually buying a physical album.
These fucks want to make money let them go on tour and sell tickets.
So now because it's in a digital format it should be free? I hadn't heard that one yet.

MP3's are much cheaper than CD's and albums to offset the lack of a "physical" copy.

You can purchase an entire release from a new artist on iTunes for $9.99 (sometimes $11.99). CD's and albums were never that inexpensive (and that's without factoring cost of living increases).

Also, now you no longer have to buy an entire album to get the 1 or 2 songs you like anymore. You can just pick and choose. I spend way less $$$ now on new releases then I did 15 years ago because of this.
I started this thread and then I got side-tracked and didn't get back to it yesterday. Guys thanks for all the responses.

I'll check into some of the stuff mentioned here. Possibly. When I originally brought up the topic with the GF, we didn't even discuss legality and ethics. I don't think either of us understands that end of it. Maybe I will bring it up and she'll say, "Oh - then I'll just keep paying," and that will be the end of that.

Here's how out-to-lunch I am: I am not even sure how bad I personally am in this area. ~95% of my CD collection is stuff a friend burns for me. I guess that is all illegal ????

Assuming it is, will I now change my ways and tell my buddy to stop making me CD's? No, I won't pretend that I will.