Hooligans Sportsbook

MudPlay NFL Week #14

I don't think so.

For whatever reason it simply doesn't work. It either makes the guy providing the options look bad or the guy selecting looks bad. Either way it's not producing a winner.

I wanted to spotlight Muddy and I keep failing him. I thought it was because we approach games differently and because of that what I liked as options just didn't jive with what he see's as edge. So then I attempted to switch it up and that didn't work either.

There has been more MudPlay winners over the course of the series than GameLive Play Of The Day/Week wins though.
Yeah I realize that actually and no sooner than I posted my reply to RJ I had a complete quitter feeling. My nature has always been to start over and over and friggin' over but never been a quitter.

I will look and see if I can come up with some options. Maybe not restrict it to just NFL this week since the bowl games start Saturday as well.