My first thought was it would be too expensive and maybe it will be. I'm just trying to find out. I guess "affordable" is vague and subjective, so I should probably at least define what affordable is to us. At this point, I'm not even sure. As far as pay, I'd make considerably more in CA, just not sure how much more. I'm in the process of trying to find that out. But even if I get top dollar for my job and my wife gets a decent paying job in her line of work I don't think we'll top 150,000 combined.
We started looking into Ft. Bragg because someone recommended it and I figured the further from the Bay area, the more affordable. The only real problem I have with it is that it's so far from any major cities and thats where the majority of my job opportunities would be. So maybe I'd be better off looking at rentals closer to the bay area. It leaves in the same position however, knowing nothing about the area. I would prefer to not end up living in Hayward, or any comparables.