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Movies discussion - 8/9/10

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Shutter Island - Took me long enough but I finally got to see what everyone had been talking about. I mean, it was decent. Even knowing the main twist from all of the hype, they still managed to throw a few interesting loops in there. I will say that the scene involving the revelation of what happened to Leo's kids was quite disturbing. I also think that Ben Kingsley should rock a pipe in every movie.

Wasn't that bad eh? Remove the hype and Scorsese's name and this would have been a bigger hit. Expectations were way too high.
I see it just the opposite. I think a lot of people feel obliged to like Scorsese - or at least are willing to cut him slack due to the body of work - and rate it higher than they would if a story that ludicrous was being told by a no-name. Last I looked, it was in the top 250 movies of all time at imdb. I think that is all about the Scorsese name.
I agree that it has no place being anywhere near the top 250 and that the director's reputation is mainly responsible for that inflated rating. But my point remains the same. Big hype, sub-par Scorsese movie, not a bad movie in itself.

And I don't understand why a lot of people who hated Shutter Island loved The Sixth Sense. Similar ridiculous premise. I hated The Sixth Sense because I assumed all along that he was dead - I deserve no credit, I watched the whole thing without really paying attention and I just assumed that when you get shot in a movie called The Sixth Sense, a movie that stars a little kid who sees dead people, a movie during which no one ever stares at you or talk to you directly, you're dead. :biglaugh:. So when the end comes and you freak out cause you realize you were dead all along, I'm pretty fucking speechless and furious.
Dood you're out of control with this guy lately --->

Congrats on nailing Sixth Sense. Don't make the rest of us who were floored feel like the big dummies we are. Once it ended, I coulda SWORE that he had conversations with people. But upon second viewing a few nights later....nope. Sons of bitches.

Matty...they don't even KNOW that they're dead! :cono:
I agree that it has no place being anywhere near the top 250 and that the director's reputation is mainly responsible for that inflated rating. But my point remains the same. Big hype, sub-par Scorsese movie, not a bad movie in itself.

And I don't understand why a lot of people who hated Shutter Island loved The Sixth Sense. Similar ridiculous premise. I hated The Sixth Sense because I assumed all along that he was dead - I deserve no credit, I watched the whole thing without really paying attention and I just assumed that when you get shot in a movie called The Sixth Sense, a movie that stars a little kid who sees dead people, a movie during which no one ever stares at you or talk to you directly, you're dead. :biglaugh:. So when the end comes and you freak out cause you realize you were dead all along, I'm pretty fucking speechless and furious.

*spoiler alert ??*

It's true they both lob a big twist at you based on a self-deluding character, but I don't really see those movies as being similar. The Sixth Sense is set in a supernatural world, Shutter Island is set in the real world. Ghosts, like guys with ESP or space aliens, can have whatever rules you give them and either you're along for the ride or you're not. But real world psych prisons have real rules (which would never, to my way of thinking, involve setting up elaborate, impractical, dangerous role plays like that.)

It's hard to look at the behavior of ghosts and say, "Yeah right - like that would ever happen." It's a whole different point of reference.

I'll say this about The Sixth Sense. When I think it through - as I am doing now - it seems a lot lamer than I actually found it when I rewatched it a few weeks back. I enjoyed it quite a bit.