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Movies discussion - 8/9/10

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Jan 27, 2010
Here's what I saw the past week:

The Ghost Writer - new out on DVD. I rented it based on very good reviews I had seen. I found it extraordinarily weak. I don't know what the reviewers were thinking. Maybe they see the name Roman Polanski and automatically get chubbed up? I dunno. Draggy paced and full of glaring holes. 3 out of 10.

Mutiny on the Bounty (1935) - Best Picture Oscar winner from the past. I loved it. Apparently the historical accuracy is open to debate but I just accepted it as is. If I ever encounter any descendants of Captain Bligh I will try to be respectful. Classic movie. I guess I am a big mutiny guy because The Caine Mutiny is one of my favorite books/movies. Down with tyranny and all that. 8.2 out of 10.

Layer Cake (2004) - This seems like a movie I should love. Organized crime, drug underworld. More-or-less in the mold of those Guy Ritchie flicks which I like a lot (Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Rocknrolla). I found Layer Cake just okay. A bit confusing and uneven for my taste. Not bad though. 5.9 out of 10. Apparently this was the performance that cemented the role of James Bond for Daniel Craig. Who cares? I don't know.
It's possible that some things just flew over my head. There are a couple of big central points that seem like holes to me but, maybe if they were spelled out for me, I would feel better about it.

I'd go over to imdb and start asking a bunch of questions but I don't think I care enough.
And in other movie news, Patricia Neal who won the Best Actress Oscar for Hud in 1963 died on Sunday of lung cancer.


watched the following over the past week:

wonder boys-michael douglas/rdj/tobey maguire

love this movie

wet hot american summer-paul rudd/guys from 'the state'

usually watch this movie stoned, watched it sober, not as funny

shoot 'em up-clive owen/paul giamatti

fucking horribly ok
We watched Repo Men last night. It is now on my top ten worst movies of all time list. This wasn't even good, bad. Just bad, bad. Really, really, REALLY fucking bad. I don't even want to relive the memories by explaining to you why it was so bad. Just trust me, avoid this horror show at all costs.

"In the ravaged future of Repo Men (1 star rating), The Union is a company that can provide you with that all-important transplant – so long as you keep up with the repayments. Jude Law, a gifted actor who should fire his agent, plays one of the organ bailiffs. First we are invited to laugh at his gleeful sadism. Then he receives a heart transplant, and suddenly his mat is laden with payment claims and he doesn’t like the repo system any more. So he hits the road, accompanied by a female tagalong and pursued by his treacherous best friend Forrest Whitaker. Grisly operations are set to upbeat music – a juxtaposition no wittier the fifth time. The script, ambitious and inept in similar quantities, tries to work the set-up into an allegory for cosmetic surgery, immigration and the credit-based economy, adding a dash of confusion to the general atmosphere of callousness."

In an unrelated note, Mr. X has been humming "Hide your kids. Hide your wife." off and on all day. That is one catchy tune. I just don't see how this can ever get old.

Being John Malkovich - Watched this again for the first time in I don't remember how long. Not nearly as entertaining as I remembered it being. Still interesting, but just OK to me dog.

Kick-Ass - As advertised, this movie was pretty damn awesome. I would've never ever watched this if not for you guys, so thanks. Hit Girl was amazing. She stole every scene she was in. The graphic violence was titillating and Nick Cage had me straight giddy, as always. Great film.

Favorite line: After crushing a bad guy inside his car at the junkyard, Hit Girl stares down at the mangled ball of steel and guts and goes "What a douche." That is just great entertainment right there.

The Wire Season 3
- About halfway through. Stellar as expected.
The Book of Eli - The concept was just plain dumb. Kinda hard to ruin a post-apocalyptic film starring my main man Denzel, Gary Oldman as the baddie and Mila Kunis as the eye candy, but oh well. It wasn't TERRIBLE, it just wasn't very good.

Shutter Island - Took me long enough but I finally got to see what everyone had been talking about. I mean, it was decent. Even knowing the main twist from all of the hype, they still managed to throw a few interesting loops in there. I will say that the scene involving the revelation of what happened to Leo's kids was quite disturbing. I also think that Ben Kingsley should rock a pipe in every movie.
The Book of Eli - The concept was just plain dumb. Kinda hard to ruin a post-apocalyptic film starring my main man Denzel, Gary Oldman as the baddie and Mila Kunis as the eye candy, but oh well. It wasn't TERRIBLE, it just wasn't very good.

I just got this from netflix....I am not very excited to see it now.
I just got this from netflix....I am not very excited to see it now.

It's definitely not a terrible way to waste away an hour and a half. Some of the visuals are pretty cool. I like those type setting movies, so cool for me, at least. I just found the whole concept behind the film to be silly.

Plus, we rarely agree on movies so you might love it.
It's definitely not a terrible way to waste away an hour and a half. Some of the visuals are pretty cool. I like those type setting movies, so cool for me, at least. I just found the whole concept behind the film to be silly.

Plus, we rarely agree on movies so you might love it.

Problem is that I really can't stand Denzel Washington...so I doubt I will like this...