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Episodes, that's the name of the show. It's decent.

I'm currently going through walking dead and it truly sucks.
Episodes, that's the name of the show. It's decent.

I'm currently going through walking dead and it truly sucks.
Never liked zombies and that show I never had an interest in watching. Happy to know I didn’t miss anything
I just passed the halfway point and I'm exhausted. It's repetitive, predictable and the world "mechanics" (zombie rules, geography) are arbitrary which makes me furious.

I feel like I have to finish it now (wtf else am I watching beside nightly baseball). I am now watching on 1.5x speed on an iPad and I still fast forward some parts. I might start skipping entire episodes and just read plot synopsis on wiki.
Your Honor

Through 6 episodes, it’s just an ok crime drama. Cranston is great as usual. The rest of the cast is meh.
I really enjoyed Your Honor, more than Casper

Not sure what that says about either of us
I really enjoyed Your Honor, more than Casper

Not sure what that says about either of us
It says we like different things. It’s okay.

I liked Sixteen Candles. I’m odd.