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Going to get caught up on Your Honor when I chill a little. The Mother thing has been very stressful.

Just been filled with so much anger about everything and not able to sleep. It's like honestly do you accept God? I don't know. I don't know it's not personal, but I just don't know.

That's deep and morbid as fuck, I know - but you guys know I keep it real, so....

Real shit.

Fucked up shit.

Need sleep and thought.

You guys have a good night.
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My prediction, regarding Your Honor, is that the quiet little black brother is going to do something major before it's all over. Not just some little gesture - a BIG difference maker.


Self-congratulation aside, the finale of Your Honor was a complete fucking mess. Weird holes, gaps, loose ends. Things hinging on people doing things there's no way they would do - and not saying really, really obvious things that would have made a difference - and there's no way they wouldn't have said them.

It's too bad. During the run of the series, there was some tightness and cleverness in there.

The ending was like a bunch of spilled soup.
Iron Sheik documentary


spoiler: he likes his crack cocaine

and coined the term jabroni
I watched Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar. I'm not recommending it or anything. It took a lot of wild swings. Some of them were good for a laugh but a lot ---> not so much.

I just want to say though that it had probably the greatest culottes-based gag I ever expect to see in my life.
