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I watched Marriage Story which is getting a lot of Golden Globe attention with Oscar stuff sure to come.

I dunno. It's a depiction of a lot of shitty crappy shit. A couple more words I might throw in there: angsty, unpleasant.

So if something is a well-made depiction of that, is that good?

For me, it's not. Whatever I may think of the performances (sure, they're good. More on-the-nose Oscar bait, there never was) - when a movie is an absolute zero on the rewatchability spectrum, then it's gotta be thumbs down.

I'll go 4.1 out of 10 for this one.
Problem is, I have three movies that have made their way to the top of my watchlist, and they're all foreign with subtitles.

Problem is, and I don't really think about this much until times like now, but I do most of my movie watching while eating. At least that's when I start. Maybe I keep going after I'm done eating - but the point is, you gotta start.

Eating and subtitles don't go together particularly well for me.

So a couple of these movies I've had sitting around for like a month waiting for an opening that doesn't come.

Man my life is difficult.
I watched The Irishman. It's pretty good but I felt like it was a loooong way to go to make the point that time marches on and crime doesn't pay.

But it's okay.

6.9 out of 10
I think it was all about getting old, being old, just old. Even when they were young they were old. Depressing life. But crime neither pays or doesn't pay, cause they all dead now anyway. Favorite scene: the fish problem in the car :biglaugh:
The critics are not digging the Cats movie.

Among the 5 guys I regularly check on Saturday mornings, there is one 0 rating - which I don't remember this guy ever doing - and another has it as the biggest disaster of the decade and possibly the millenium.

19% Tomatometer at the moment.

No sir, they're not digging it at all.
I watched The Farewell. It's good. It's interesting. There's some stuff to think about in there.

My one comment for the moment is about its lead, a woman who calls herself Awkwafina. I don't know what the deal is with that name. It's clearly a play on a brand of bottled water. Maybe she does comedy and part of her shtick is how awkward she is? Or something?

But she is quite good in this movie. It's a sensitive portrayal. She seems like a real actress to me. There should be more normal roles for her.

Time to either pick a name or use your real name.

Lose the idiotic gimmick name.