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Breaking Bad reflections which contain spoilers:

Like, so, why did Jesse blow up the welding place?

Don't they have media in Alaska? How does being there make everything okay.

And speaking of welding guy, earlier he let Jesse keep a third of the money stashed in the fridge - he just let him - and then suddenly when Jesse shows up asking for another $1800, dude is ready to literally put his life on the line for that share of the cash. How does that make sense?

I dunno. I didn't hate the movie. There was some sweetness to rejoining that universe. I never cared about Jesse near as much as Walt but, okay, now I know what happened with him. He went to Alaska where they don't have computers or TV's, so he's safe. That's fine.

But it just all felt forced.
Jesse merely followed Mike's suggestion. Coulda been any other state, but Mike sold him on the idea of Alaska. Long distance from home, clean slate. Whatever.

I thought the sudden gun duel was hilarious. And it was pretty much in line with the behavior of other crazy BB villains like Tuco. There was always some over-the-top cartoony-ness about BB.
I finally got around to watching Rocketman.

As usual, with movies like this, I LOVE depictions of moments of inspiration/creation of artistic stuff that has been meaningful in my lifetime.

On the other hand they just kept bastardizing various songs to shoehorn them in to various situations. I hated that.

But overall it was a worthwhile watch for me.
Also, I finally got around to watching Yesterday. I thought it was brilliant.

Gotta let it sink in for awhile but it might be a top-20 all-timer for me. I totally loved it. No doubt that is way more because of The Beatles than the little romance in the movie (although I do find Lily James about as appealing as a girl can be.)

But I dunno. I have read some criticism of it. It's rated above average but nothing crazy. There are many a thumbs-down out there.

But it worked for me big-time.
I posted this when I first heard the premise of Yesterday:

. . . a world where The Beatles suddenly never existed and only one guy remembers them.

So he starts "writing" their music and becomes very successful in his music career.

. . . it makes me wonder. If that scenario actually happened and someone in 2019 wrote I Wanna Hold Your Hand, would it be a big hit? I don't think so. I don't see it. I'm not even sure Hey Jude or Let it Be would work. I definitely don't see them as any kind of mega-phenomenons.

After watching the movie, I am now convinced there about 50 Beatles songs that would be big hits today if they were introduced from scratch.
I watched a couple of first episodes of new shows in the last few days.

Watchmen - I am confused. It's not bad but I don't know quite what's going on. I'll try another episode.

Living With Yourself - this is the new Paul Rudd thing. I think Paul Rudd is very talented and it's a sorta interesting premise but it's not as funny as it needs to be so far. (Although the Tom Brady cameo was pretty good.) Anyway I'll try another episode.
I watched Dolemite Is My Name. It's not good, but not bad. I willingly sat through it, which is more than I can do for 90% of the things I attempt to watch. I guess I just like the seventies, city life type genre. Also appreciate that they don't try to jam some cliche love story in there. In fact nobody's loves are even mentioned. refreshing.
They did have to add a gay guy to the group, but he was pretty subtle. Also at one point towards the end, one of the characters thanks Dolemite for making this movie, with tears in her eyes, cause she never saw someone like me in a film before. :eek: ...feel like that's pandering to the modern PC culture. People in the seventies didn't talk that way
But anyway, I liked it less once I learned that it was a biopic based on a real person. Better if it was totally original :laugh:
I gotta say, young Gandolfini's acting has improved a lot. I think somewhere in this thread I was saying how he reminded me of Robert Iler - which was definitely not a compliment. That was during season 2 of The Deuce. In season 3, he has picked up his game quite a bit.