I just saw Dolor y Gloria, Pain and Glory from Spain, Pedro Almodovar's latest film, it came out earlier in the year, I had been marinating this download for awhile
he always tend to put a little of his personal stories in his movies but this one is a full blown auto biographical, for those that have follow his releases it almost seems like a culmination of his story
in simplest form it's about how little bouts (usually of love) in life strongly set a direction, told in different eras of his childhood, adult youth and present day
8.9 matty rains, one point short of nines 'cause I don't know if people will fall right into it if they haven't seen other films of his before, but for someone like me... it almost seems like when I watch this guy's films I'm living a different sort of life then the one I was living when I last saw his previous release and somehow they almost always seem on point to me, but I guess that's why he's a good magician, I specially liked the scenes with his elderly mother, this felt like it was his last movie, I think it comes out in North America in October
I plan to see two more films this year, the one with DiCaprio in Hollywood and the Joker one at the theater