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I dont like that the Joker basically has unlimited origin stories. Did he work in a chemical factory, is he the Red Hood, did he care for his mother? Kinda feels like a cop out.

Acting looks superb here tho. I'm sure I'll watch in on that strength alone.
Agree. A villain/superhero needs a good back story where a degree of adversity makes them relatable.

It's why captain marvel gave me the heebie jeebies. They portrayed her struggle and oppression of being female as enough to basically justify superhero status.

Give me Arya stark any day. Now there's a proper bad ass...
I think the only bad Joaquin film I’ve seen is her. Super talented DNA.
Apparently he was looking for a role in a low budget superhero type movie where the focus was more on character development than big special effects. This looks as though it suits that bill...

Gotta respect his game...
People need to do a better job of summarizing and recapping things. I wanted to get into the new season of The Chi - so I thought a recap of season 1 would be helpful - but the stuff on Youtube is shit.

I found a lot of summaries of the individual episodes - and they're all like, 20 minutes long. Some are 25. The actual episodes are only ~52 minutes.

To me, that's not summarizing. That's clumsily blabbifying. I wanted a 20 minute long recap for the whole damn season. Just remind me what happened. Gimme the main points. Summarize.


Hopefully I can find something more useful and practical for Game of Thrones.
Now see that's what I was looking for. They got recaps for GoT - running from 12 to 52 minutes - that cover all seven seasons.

I don't need to know every time someone gave someone else a significant glance. Just tell me what happened.

Here's the one I went with. You gotta deal with some fast talkin' but I found it helpful. Reminderful. Some humor in there. I'm ready!!

Let's do this!!

Here are some current lines from Pinny:

Who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of S8?
Daenarys Targaryen +515
Jon Snow +316
Cersei Lannister +2414
The Night King +1078
Tyrion Lannister +636
Sansa Stark +594
Arya Stark +1387
Jaime Lannister +2190
Bran Stark +175
Varys +8574
Gendry +465
Melisandre +11380
Samwell Tarly +4085
Theon Greyjoy +3434
Jaqen H'ghar +4631
Brienne of Tarth +11380
Jorah Mormont +11380
Bronn +8574
Tormund Giantsbane +8574
Davos Seaworth +8574
Sandor Clegane +14204
Gilly +8574
Daario Naharis +14204
Stannis Baratheon +14204
Gregor Clegane +14204
Euron Greyjoy +8574
Yara Greyjoy +14204
Beric Dondarrion +8574
Resurrected Ned Stark +4729
Hot Pie +13408
Petyr Baelish +1204
Some more stuff

Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Daenarys Targaryen +178
Cersei Lannister -272
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Sansa Stark +111
Arya Stark -161
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Jon Snow -295
Bran Stark +191
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Tyrion Lannister +251
Jaime Lannister -415
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Melisandre -551
Davos Seaworth +309
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Sandor Clegane +449
Gregor Clegane -996
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Theon Greyjoy +144
Euron Greyjoy -214
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Gilly -436
Hot Pie +260
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Brienne of Tarth +221
Tormund Giantsbane -353
Character to die first in S8? (Push on no Death)
Bronn +165
Varys -249