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Oh. The wife watched all of it over the holidays.

I ain't watchin' that shit. :dontthinkso:
It bridges the gap between The King's Speech and when I was born.

Well I don't know how far they are going to go with it time-wise but that seems to be what it is doing.

I have a major boner for young Princess Margaret, I have to say.
Hacksaw Ridge (2016) - This is just the wrong movie at the wrong time for me.

It's an American simpleton with wide-eyed beliefs based on nonsense. I'm a little on overload with those lately. It's a celebration of religion. I have no respect for that.

I didn't like the love plot - kinda made me wanna barf a few times. Didn't like the girl.

But okay, the guy does some heroic stuff in the end no doubt. He betrays the spirit of his beliefs a couple times but whatever. He saves lives. He shouldn't have been there and he got lucky and it was Hollywooded up - but I guess the basics of it happened and he richly deserved the decorations he received.

But this movie is not for me.

I'll go 4.4

Here's a picture

I can't tell if that's Chong or Mel Gibson
The Oscars will be on Feb. 26th hosted by Jimmy Kimmel.

These are the Best Picture nominees. Still got three I haven't seen.

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester By the Sea
A bit surprised I haven't seen any of those.
Fences and Manchester By The Sea are the best out of those


*We didn't see Tiny Eyes in La La Land.
Manchester by the Sea (2016) - This is a really good movie. As far as being a Best Picture nominee, it doesn't seem to be about enough. It's human drama - and the crappy crap that can happen to humans - and the way humans deal with it. Relationships. Not exactly ground-breaking. But it's intelligent and there are a few fresh takes along the way that I enjoyed.

Hell, it's a really good movie.

Casey Affleck is the huge favorite to win Best Actor right now and that will be deserving. (If they ever gave that award to Ryan frickin' Gosling I would have to freak out on everybody's head. I like him fine but he's NOT THAT GREAT OF AN ACTOR PEOPLE!!!) But no, a lot of Manchester is about showing things through acting rather than spelling things out with dialogue - and it is extremely well done.

So yap, things are proceeding in a suitable way as far as that category of the Oscars. As far as support, Michelle Williams is always welcome in my field of vision.

Anyway, I watched it yesterday and I am still processing it today - and I feel like that might go on for a while. That's a good sign.

For now I'm going to give it the same rating as Arrival at the top of the Best Pics nominees I have seen - and I will continue to cogitate on the matter.

8.2 out of 10

I hope the Oscars and the Shmaskers appreciate the work you put in cogitating
Thandie Newton in Mission Impossible 2 - oh my Lord. :betplom::betplom::betplom:

Anthony Hopkins is in there too - looks exactly the same today as he did 17 years ago. :biglaugh:
We somehow didn't hear about Moonlight until just now. Looks great. Anyone seen it?
Manchester by the Sea (2016) -
For now I'm going to give it the same rating as Arrival at the top of the Best Pics nominees I have seen - and I will continue to cogitate on the matter.

8.2 out of 10

Yeah, no, with a quiet day at work today, some cogitating was done.

Manchester by the Sea - rating going up

Arrival - rating going down


La La Land - rating was originally up but dipped a bit - but is on the rise again
Hidden Figures (2016) - For some reason I went into this thinking I wasn't going to like it but it was good.

It tries to straddle the line between legitimate award contender and popcorny people-pleaser. For me, it's ultimately a little too people-pleasy to be a serious award contender, but it's completely watchable. The time flies by. A few little eyerolls in there for me - clumsy messagey contrivances - but I'm sure it's off-the-scale inspirational to some demographics of viewers.

Hey it's inspirational to me. It's good. It's nice. I'm not even sure what I feared. I guess I thought it might be uncomfortably condescending. Like, hey, remember the space race? Well it was black people - women no less - who were totally responsible for winning that for the USA - so let's pat them on the head. But no, it wasn't that. It was three real black women who did real stuff at NASA (with their accomplishments spiffed up a bit no doubt.)

Anyway I liked it.

7.4 out of 10

Being good at math ---> it's cool.

Watched the Red Oaks premiere. It's equal parts smart and funny and light-hearted. Very good. :up:

Finished season 1.

Had to buy a firestick to watch Amazon shows.
I had to download the torrents even though I have Amazon Prime Video. Jeff Bezos won't let you Chromecast the shows. Fag.
Thandie Newton in Mission Impossible 2 - oh my Lord. :betplom::betplom::betplom:

Anthony Hopkins is in there too - looks exactly the same today as he did 17 years ago. :biglaugh:

Girl from Westworld?