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I actually saw her in something - supporting role in The 5 Year Engagement, mighta been? - she stood out to me as not good acting.

I have also seen trailers for her upcoming thing - Sleeping With Other People?? - also not blown away by the chops.

I give her full credit for trying comedy. I always say, it is the hardest thing to do - so many very good actors suck at it. But she fully commits. She is better than, say, Robert Deniro at it. She is better than John fokking Hamm.

But still ----> acceptable but just barely.

I should probably limit our relationship to just the sex.
I could see her career exploding with Rom-coms though. You do not have to be Meryl Streep to make a hundred million doing those. Katherine fokking Heigl was the queen of those not long ago.

In fact, let's make that an official prediction. Alison Brie's career is about to explode with rom-coms (while her dopey fiancee sits in the background wearing a shit-eating grin.)
I was a bit underwhelmed by the nudes though. Don't know what it is. Lighting and angles, I suppose.

Not that they are bad. Have we all seen these?

At the risk of getting myself banned from gamelive:


Trainwreck (2015) - A tale of two movie.

The first 59% - very good. One of the highest laughs-per-square-mile ratios I can recall in quite awhile. Not trying anything cute. The set up is (mostly) straight forward and it's just funny. On pace for an 8+ rating.

Final 41% - Problems. Suddenly large chunks are much less like real human interactions and I am seeing bits. Then come the cliches and painfully contrived, formulaic moves. Eyerolls.

I end up at 6.6 out of 10 - although I do recommend it more than most 6.6's. I sat there and laughed a lot for awhile there. It was nice. I wish they would have maintained what they were doing but that's life.
