Hooligans Sportsbook

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Like, use your lips. You got food on your fork or spoon - put the utensil with food in your mouth - close your lips on it - pull the spoon out - the food stays in your mouth due to the blocking action of the lips.

Chew and swallow.

The fuck kind of inbred hick uses their teeth as a food blocker and scrapes their fork/spoon on their teeth with every bite?

What a whore.
I dunno. I give it about a 6.2 - which is a bit lower than my rating of the series as a whole but not a ton.

It had the level I have come to expect of gabbing and scheming and discussing philosophical issues for lack of a better term. It was more about laying groundwork for action than actual action but that is necessary and I found it okay.

I'm a little puzzled by blondie getting so entrenched in Mereen (??) She has a very specific mission which does not include that. While some issues they bring up there are somewhat interesting, it feels to me like a time filler that serves no actual purpose.

It feels like conspicuous stalling.

Good say here Muddy! I understand I guess little bits of everything to set things up later! I just wish it was longer to show more each week! This is why you're GL's only certifiable critic!

Wild (2014) - If you like your metaphors broad, and depictions of coming to terms with stuff . . .

Nah, this was okay. It was fine. She hiked the Pacific Coast Trail and it was difficult and she thought about things. Memories and whatnot. It was not nominated for Best Picture nor should it have been. It got a couple acting nominations. Reese Witherspoon, I get. Laura Dern not so much but whatevarr.

5.4 out of 10.
