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After watching another chunk, I am getting more into it. Appreciating it more.

Definitely not my favorite Ron Howard movie - but it's pretty good. I needed to adjust my bearings a bit. I was approaching it from the wrong angle.

Damn, I had it rated 5 out of 10 from before. That surprises me. My guess was I had rated it pretty high and might end up lowering it. Just the opposite, it is feeling like better than a 5 at this point.

Still a ways to go tho.
Warrior (2011) - How had I never heard of this movie? Do you guys know about this movie? It's a sports movie and this is a sports (?) forum. :dunno:

It's a great movie. Really entertaining, exhilarating movie. You more-or-less have to see it.

The sport by the way is MMA. Doesn't really matter if you're a fan. I'm not a fan.

Okay, it's got a lot of contrivance and is emotionally manipulative so the effectiveness of the movie will be dictated by how much you're willing to go along for the ride. To me, it wasn't like one of those formula movies where they are talking to me like I'm stupid. I felt more like it was shaking my hand and looking me in the eye and saying, "this is what we're doing and let's have some fun."

Tom Hardy again too. Might as well be a young Brando. Guy is incredible.

I can't go too overboard with the rating due to some of the contrivance - and the absence of discussion of hedging in a screamingly obvious hedging situation :biggrin:

But it's a solid 8 out of 10.


Very good acting all the way around. Male lead does an outstanding job of playing a creepy loner. Producers did their homework on police tactical scenes. Even the newscasters nailed their roles.

But the film was missing a little something to put it over the top. I wanted them to dig deeper into the male and female leads awkward relationship.

I would recommend this film to friends.

7.75 Trons
Thoroughly enjoyed this week's chapter of Better Call Saul.

Interesting creative decision to put that all in one episode at this point. I think the conventional approach would have been to examine that arc in strategic flashbacks spread over an entire season with a big reveal in the finale - in support of whatever major plot they have planned for Jimmy.

But they did what they did. Ain't complaining. Unconventional works for me.
Thoroughly enjoyed this week's chapter of Better Call Saul.

Interesting creative decision to put that all in one episode at this point. I think the conventional approach would have been to examine that arc in strategic flashbacks spread over an entire season with a big reveal in the finale - in support of whatever major plot they have planned for Jimmy.

But they did what they did. Ain't complaining. Unconventional works for me.


Outstanding episode. Which blew me away because the prior episode was some of the most boring TV I've seen in quite some time.

On another note, this weeks episode of Girls:

So Jeremy Clarkson 'n shit.

I know he is a thing to some people.

Top Gear being the show.

Not sure I even understand what I am seeing. Looks like, after a long history of controversies, he finally got himself suspended, then his show got canceled, now they are asking who will replace him?

Unclear how that makes sense. :dunno:

The racism accusations against J. Clarkson are ridiculous. He's just been taunting the BBC for years, because he felt like it.

He is suspended for being a douche.

Top Gear is getting old, but I've been watching religiously for the better part of the last decade.

The show will most likely get picked up by someone else. It's a ginormous, global cash cow.